by Tonia
“You don’t appreciate a lot of stuff in school
until you get older. Little things like being spanked every day by a
middle-aged woman. Stuff you pay good money for in later life.” – Elmo Phillips
If you haven’t heard
about Fifty Shades of Grey you’re
obviously living in some kind of cave on the top of Mt. Everest. It sold 10
million copies in six weeks and has replaced the Gideon Bible on the bedside
tables in one British hotel. Bet THAT’S an interesting devotional for
unsuspecting guests!
Obviously I had to
read it. I knew the blog would want my review. Oh, the sacrifices I make!

The book is poorly written and Anatasia’s
conflict with her ‘inner goddess’ and ‘unconscious’ got on my nerves, but the
sex scenes were hot and I needed my vibrator more than a couple times. I think Saturday Night Live did the best job showing the results
of women's response to the book, though. Click here for their skit.
Earlier this year the New York Post reported a huge jump in
rope sales in hardware stores - especially to women - after the release of Fifty Shades of Grey. Hmmmm. I guess
after women asked clerks to show them the ropes, THEY showed the ropes to some
happy partners!
Personally, now that I’ve read it, I’m ruined.
If someone asks me a question that I don’t know the answer to, I can never
again say, “Beats me.” When I watch CNN and hear about Wall Street – you know, stocks and bonds – I imagine brokers in various restraints. And a report about
the House Whip has me seeing Representatives getting spanked (hey, maybe that
would help politics!).
OMG, and if I walk into a pet store, I
completely miss the dog food and only notice all the collars and leashes! And, I want to know, are
“submissive wives” really just into kink?
And, for your next girlfriend’s get-together
consider having a Food Porn Party
and ask your girlfriends to bring their most decadent desserts! Here’s one of
our decadent recipes:
Mini candy cup mold
1 cup vodka (plain, vanilla, Pinacle
Whipped, etc.)
1 - 3 oz. box raspberry Jello
1 bag chocolate candy melts
1. Follow the instructions on the mini candy
cup mold by using dark chocolate. Put them in the freezer for about 5 minutes
to help them harden.
2. Bring one cup water to a boil and add
jello. After powdered jello is dissolved, let it sit until just warm.
3. Add one cup vodka to liquid jello mix.
4. Remove your chocolate bowls from the
freezer. Pour the jello mixture into the bowls
5. Refrigerate over night. Yummy!
is when you use duck feathers in making love. Perverted is when you use the
whole duck.” – Lewis Grizzard
Your new safe word is "Gerald Ford." The imagery alone will put the fire out of any BDSM scene.
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