by Tonia
“Life is hard. Then you
die. Then they throw dirt in your face. Then the worms eat you. Be grateful it
happens in that order.” – David Gerrold
Recently I had blood in my urine for no
good reason. I’m not sure what a GOOD reason would be but I didn’t have one. So
I trotted off to the doctor to see why my bladder was having a period. I
suggested a diagnosis of Mistaken Identity Disorder (bladder thinking it was a uterus)
but the dr. was not amused. She seemed concerned. Not. Good. She suggested
that I have several expensive tests to make sure that I didn’t have bladder
cancer. CANCER???? WTF??? Now my bladder was really pissing me off.
I’ve always had a Theatre Bladder – you
know, a tiny tank that is over active during movies. (It’s about ¼ the size
of a standard bladder.) And I’ve had my fair share of Fires in the Hole (aka
left the doctor’s office and did what most typical Americans do – I googled
“bladder cancer” and immediately became a medical expert.
Except that my medical expertise
immediately turned into “Holy shit, I’m going to be a chemo therapy skeleton and
then I’m going to die.” I began looking at wigs, planning my memorial service,
writing my obituary…..things that I felt were more pressing than washing my
dishes, taking a shower and walking my dog. My girlfriend suggested I was
overreacting. Uh. Maybe.

As it turned out, I was cancer free. And it
was a good thing because after all those co-payments, I didn’t have enough
money to buy a decent wig.
For your next girlfriends' get-together, consider inviting over your besties and distributing bladder health tips while watching these adorable Vulva Puppets sing the Do the Kegel song. (Click HERE) It'll be good for ALL of you!
For your next girlfriends' get-together, consider inviting over your besties and distributing bladder health tips while watching these adorable Vulva Puppets sing the Do the Kegel song. (Click HERE) It'll be good for ALL of you!
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