By Tonia
"He who hesitates is not only lost, but miles from the
next exit." -- Unknown
Unlike the boring meetings at work, when I’m driving I can’t
answer emails, update my dating profile or google naughty pictures. So, after
flipping through every friggin' radio station, picking at all the skin blemishes I could
locate, and finger combing my hair until sparks flew off the ends, I thought I
should engage my mind in something. You know, something besides my typical
pornographic thoughts. I could think of a story line for the next great American
I could revise my life goals…….Nah.
I could revise my life goals…….Nah.
I could plan my will…....Nah.
I finally decided on thinking up pranks. Things
(1) Rigging my medicine cabinet so that marbles fell out if
someone opened it during a party
(2) Scraping the icing out of Oreo cookies and replacing it
with toothpaste
(3) Pouring water in my hand, pretending to sneeze and
throwing the water on someone
(4) Super-gluing the lids on people’s plastic water bottles
(5) Taping a small piece of duct tape to the bottom of a
faucet (it creates quite a spray when turned on)
So what do you think? Give me YOUR best pranks in the
comments below!
And, for your next girlfriends’ get-together consider playing
The Joys of….. game.
Pass out one index card to each person. Ask everyone to title
their cards by completing the phrase The Joy of….. using a current uncomfortable
situation from their lives. (Examples: The Joys of Living with a Two Year
Old; The Joys of Being Fifty and Single; The Joys of Working Retail, etc.)
After writing their titles, have everyone number their cards 1-5 in a column on
the left side of the index card (as if they were going to take a spelling
Then direct everyone to pass their cards to the person on
their right. That person must fill in #1 with a humorous statement about the
title. (Example: for The Joys of Living with a Two Year Old, someone
could write, “I can add Temper Tantrum Tamer to my resume;” for The Joys of
Being Fifty and Single, someone could write, “I now have a closer
relationship with my vibrator,” etc.)
After everyone has written something on another person’s #1,
instruct everyone to pass cards to the right again. The next person then writes
a humorous statement on #2. Continue until 5 people have each added one
humorous statement to 5 different cards. Then return the card to its owner.
Encourage guests to post these at home when they need a distraction!
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