By Tonia
“We’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find
someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall
into mutually satisfying weirdness – and call it love – true love.” – Robert Fulghum
I recently attended the wedding of two dear friends. It was
history-making - the first gay wedding performed by a minister in their
denomination. And it was absolutely beautiful - not a dry eye in the place.
Dagobert (not his real name
…. seriously, who has a name like that?) asked me to give a toast at the
reception. This was definitely not one of his smartest decisions. Later he
accused me of doing a roast instead of a toast. Some people are just so damn
So I thought I would share it here and let you decide. Toast
or roast?
Dagobert and I met 25
yrs ago working at a hospice. It was good to share an office with someone who
wasn’t stiff ….. although Raymond <husband> might disagree. While working there
death seemed better than the loooong, boring interdisciplinary team meetings we
had to attend. I would stick pencils up my nose and he would lean back in his
chair and flick his nipples. Somehow I always got caught but he never did.
Over the years we lost
touch, but 4 years ago we found each other again. I was so excited to catch up.
But all Dagobert could talk about was this new guy. Raymond, Raymond, Raymond
<think nasally whine>.
Raymond this and Raymond that. Geez.
Raymond this and Raymond that. Geez.
But then I met Raymond.
I instantly recognized in him, as in Dagobert, the same warmth, the same
generosity, the same kindness, the same obnoxious humor …. and, of course, the
same stupid fart jokes. Like one sang to the other, “You are the wind beneath
my sheets.”
I don’t know if love
is all you need but, if it is, Dagobert and Raymond are rich beyond measure.
I also don’t know what
souls are made of, but theirs are surely made of the same stuff (partly farts, no
So raise your glasses because today love wins. Dagobert and Raymond, may your love feed each other’s souls with
strength, laughter and a lifetime of happiness.
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