by Tonia
“My grandmother started walking
five miles a day when she was sixty. She’s ninety-seven now, and we don’t know
where the hell she is.” ~Ellen DeGeneres
I come from a long
like of fabulous grandmothers. My own grandmother captivated us with stories about the Easter Bunny’s and Santa’s house-entering stealth when depositing our holiday goodies. (Besides being a LIAR, she
was a fabulous grandmother.) The day my own mother became a grandmother she
grabbed a Vietnamese baby out of the obstetrician’s arms because she thought it
was her new grandbaby. (Besides being a KIDNAPPER, she, too, was a fabulous
grandmother.) Aside from these minor psychopathic tendencies, both of these
women adored and were adored by their grandchildren.
I’m now a grandmother
- not sure how that happened since I’m only 35 <eye roll> but I,
too, adore my two grandchildren. I’m just not sure I fit the traditional
grandma mold, though. My grandmother taught me to play Gin Rummy; I taught my grandson to
play poker. My mother taught my daughter to sew; I taught my granddaughter to scrape out the
icing from Oreos and replace it with toothpaste. When Rachel brings the
grandkids to my house she races to grab all the magnets off my refrigerator
because she doesn’t want to explain them to the kids.
When I’m babysitting I
always try to remember my own children’s teen years …… so I can get revenge. I
feed the grandkids lots of sugar, let them bounce on the bed, and run wild
through the house just before their parents pick them up. In fact, I’m thinking
of retiring early so I can spend more quality time like this with them – just
as they become teenagers. Heh, heh, heh.
Certainly my grandma image
is different from my predecessors. Victoria Secret catalogues instead of quilting magazines lay next to my
chair; my canning involves potato vodka instead
of green beans; and my blue hair is quite different from the blue hair found at
Furr’s Cafeteria. Someday, when I’m gone, the grandkids will probably be less interested
in old pictures of me and more interested in my old Facebook status updates. Well,
except for those boudoir pictures I have hidden away. OOPS!
But I’m crazy about
these kids and I just can’t see them enough. Maybe I’ll get their faces
tattooed onto my arms. Yea. That’s it. Grandma tats!
For your next girlfriends' get together invite moms and grandmas to write down some of their "less than stellar" moments as role models. Collect them and then read them out loud one at a time and have guests guess who each one belongs to. If you dare!!
For your next girlfriends' get together invite moms and grandmas to write down some of their "less than stellar" moments as role models. Collect them and then read them out loud one at a time and have guests guess who each one belongs to. If you dare!!
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