by Tonia
Did you hear the
one about dildos hanging flaccidly from power lines?
They were getting a
Made that one up
But it’s really
been happening! In Portland, Oregon, there have been dozens of paired (how romantic!)
dildos thrown over power lines. And I’m not dicking around with you either. It’s
true. Geez. I’m never in the right place at the right time. While I’ve seen lots
of penises in my time, I’ve never seen any hanging from wires. There were a few
dicks I wanted to hang by a wire but
I never got the chance.
I’ve been thinking
long and hard about the situation in Portland. I’ve actually had some
penetrating thoughts about it. You know - theories - about it.
Could it be that…..
…..this is a new
rite of passage symbol for losing your virginity?
…..a kinky
meteorologist is trying out some new kind of weathervanes?
…..a giant, benevolent
dildo deity rained tiny offspring for the joy of man/womankind?
.....this is a grown-up
version of Toy Story with adult toys coming alive at night?
…..someone with a
fabulous collection of dildos has given them up for…..for…..what on earth would
you give them up for???
While it’s still unclear
what the meaning of the flying phalluses is, I, for one, think their appearance
calls for a celebration! Invite your girlfriends over for a “Make Love; Not War”
party. Serve phallic shaped foods such as asparagus, carrots, hot dogs,
bananas, etc and/or vagina shaped foods such as oysters, tacos, dried pears,
won tons, strawberries cut in half, etc OR just serve foods that are known to
be aphrodisiacs such as chocolate, oysters, pomegranates, red wine, etc. Have vibrator
races and find your Joie de Vivre!
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