By Tonia
“I have learned the difference between a cactus and a caucus.
On a cactus, the pricks are on the outside.” – Mo Udall
summers in Santa Fe has always been one of the highlights of my year. I write; I
admire the sunsets; I attend outdoor concerts; I look at art; I hang out with
my NM friends and I hike. I usually rent a small guesthouse just outside of town.
Its perfect for my needs and I love my landlord.
Because I’m
outside of town I can often hike/walk from my front door. Which is what I did
the other day with my dog. As we were walking, my dog became extremely
interested in something between 2 rocks. I saw that it was a cute baby bunny so
I shooed the dog away and squatted down to take a picture of it with my
phone……….Butt instantly realized: I. Had. Sat. On. A. Cactus.
And, for the
record, roses may say “I love you,” but cacti say, “Go
fuck yourself.” Damn pricks! If I had needed acupuncture on my ass I would have
gone to an office!
I quickly took inventory and
realized that, yes, there were tiny cactus needles stuck in my ass but there
were even MORE tiny cactus needles still stuck in my pants – with evil plans to
make their way into my tender buttocks. Not wanting that to happen, I quickly unzipped my pants to make room for my
hands so that I could reach back and push my pants away from my ass. Now, I’ve
had other people’s hands in my pants
before but I can’t honestly say that I’ve had my own hands in my pants (I
usually just take them off for that activity.)
Since it was a mile or so back
to the guesthouse, I decided to take the road as it would be an easier walk.
And, while there is rarely any traffic on that dirt road, this day it was like goddamn
rush hour traffic. As cars drove by the adults turned away but the kids had
their noses pressed up against the windows. Geez, kids. Never seen a grown-up
with her hands up her ass??
I finally got home and ripped
those pants off as fast as I could and began my mirror and
tweezers chore. Got ‘em all out but don’t ask me to turn the other cheek……
So, for your next
girlfriends’ get together, why not have a Western themed party. Dress up in
Western attire and put your friends’ faces on WANTED posters. For an activity,
have a relay race. Take 2 broom/mop
sticks and stick horse heads on the ends. (Make it easy by cutting horse head
shapes out of poster board. Add yarn for the mane if you want to get fancy.)
Set up 2 obstacle courses with blow-up cacti. Divide your girlfriends into two
teams. One person from each team races on her “horse” through the obstacle
course and back. They then pass the “horse” to the
next teammate in line. The
team whose members finish the race first is the winner.
Other possible games are Throw the Ex into the Cactus, Pin the Prick to the Cactus, and 50 Things to Do with a Cactus. You're welcome.